Suppose we have a SharePoint list with employee details as shown in the below image and we need to only get the employees from the Chicago location. Please refer to the below image. In the Key Value field, insert the _PowerAppsId_ dynamic value. Now we will get items from the list, so select Get items action. Read Share organization new employee details in Twitter using Microsoft flow. will ensure the expression doesnt result in an error if the array is empty and will instead return a null value. I would check in 2 times : if not IsNull (ls_name) then if ls_name <> "" then //not empty else //empty end if else //null end if. In the From field, we will provide the array of items that we will get from the pervious step the Get Items action. We will use the equal to operator to filter the employees based on the choice column Manager and we will click on advance mode to write the below condition. That means you leave the right side empty. Lets start by we will create a flow that will trigger manually. Read Power Automate export SharePoint list to excel and send an email. This post is going to show you how to test for an array with no elements in Power Automate. power automate SharePoint get items filter query and. Warning: This test wont quite work as intended in cases where the first item in the array is null. This is an example of the Power Automate filter array contains. I have done just like you suggest, but it dosent work for me.The problem seems to be when the array is empty. And also we discuss the below example: After working for more than 15 years in Microsoft technologies like SharePoint, Office 365, and Power Platform (Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI), I thought will share my SharePoint expertise knowledge with the world. This is an example of a Power Automate filter array choice column. Please use empty () function to determine if the array is empty. About the Author or 365! After the filter array action there's an append to array variable which uses the union() function to smash the two together. In that case youll need an expression to check if the array is empty. Course list, in this list Technology is the Lookup column. Next, we will get items from the list, so click on the Next step and select Get items action. In this Power Automate tutorial, we learned Power Automate filter array action. Suppose we have a Sharepoint list with employee detail as shown in the below image and the requirement is to get all the employees whose age is equal to 50 and whose department is equal to IT. Next, we will filter the array of products revenue is less than 500000, so click on the next step and select Filter array action. Out of the box, the Power Automate platform allows you to compare datasets with the Union and Intersect expressions. I think my problem was that I was testing my conditionals against a value in the object, not the object itself. To fetch all the items from the Sharepoint list, we will be using the Get Items action. When you edit the Condition card in advanced mode, use the following empty expression. In this example, we will see how to use a SharePoint List item in the Filter array action using Power Automate. Power Automate has filter options available to make things easy. In the From field, we will provide the array of items that we will get from the previous step the Get Items action. Choose dynamic content output (for example, user email) you want to check. In this section, we learned how to get the length of the array or count of the items of the Filter array using Power Automate Flow. Search for apply to each, and then select the Apply to each - Control. If empty() is equal to true, the array is empty. Your email address will not be published. Please refer to the below image. Power Platform and Dynamics 365 Integrations, To remove them, use the empty expression to identify all rows that don't have text in the Assigned and Status columns. Next, we add the Filter array action to filter the array of values from the SharePoint list. ['Status']), empty(item()?['Assigned'])). So click on the Next step and select Filter array action. empty () Method. After manually running the flow, we will receive the above length of the Filter array action items array as3in the output of the compose action in Power Automate and this is how we can get the object of the array in the Filter array action using the Power Automate flow. It is a versatile expression. The length expression has the added benefit of allowing you to test your array for the number of elements it contains, giving you the flexibility to perform multiple conditions. Power automate flow will automatically add the Apply to each action to loop the array of filtered items and then we will add the Send an email outlook action to send out the emails. Next, we filter the array to get department is IT, so click on the Next step and select Filter array action. We will check the condition where the Age column is equal to 50 and also if the Department column is equal to IT. Next, we will select the Filter array data operator of the Power Automate flow. Check out: Power Automate Parallel Branch with Examples Power Automate IF condition In Power Automate, there is another way to apply a condition in the flow i.e. Do you need to test if your array is empty? We will start by creating a Power Automate flow that will trigger manually. In the Filter array action, we will provide the array of the SharePoint list item in the from field and then click on the edit in advance mode and we will provide the greater than condition to filter the items array where the Age columns value is greater than 42. Power Automate has a built-in action for filtering arrays, but the condition builder only allows for creating filters with one condition. the article describes multiple types of columns and the value you should use, maybe theyre multiple selection columns. For example, you may be tracking the status of tasks in a spreadsheet table. Here we will provide our multiple conditions using @and logical operator. Now, it is time to learn how to use the less than operator of the Filter array action in Power Automate. And we can also write multiple conditions simultaneously. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Select the spreadsheet and get all rows Select New step. After successfully manually running the flow, we will receive the above email with the employee name and this is how we can use the not equal to operator in the Filter array action of Power Automate. People picker with multiple selections enabled. OData (Open Data Protocol) is an OASIS standard that establishes best practices for designing RESTful APIs. As you can see, such a simple condition if field is empty is not that simple after all. Power Automate filter array The Power Filter array action, filter or reduce the object from an array if the criteria or condition you provide in the subset match. Then provide the varArray from the dynamic content, and click on Edit in Advanced Mode. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. ['Due'], item()? Now click on the Next step and select Parse JSON action, then provide the varArray as content and generate the sample schema by providing the data. then provide the varArray from dynamic content. @greater(item()? To achieve the above requirement, we will create a flow that will trigger manually. Follow us on social media to stay up to date with the latest in tech! This is how we can compare the Date column of the Sharepoint list in the Filter array action using the Power Automate flow. Please refer to the below image for the Sharepoint list. Use the empty () expression to check for null when dealing with strings, arrays or objects. I also run the popular SharePoint website, SharePoint Training Course Bundle For Just $199, Introduction of Power Automate filter array, Power Automate get the length of filter array, Power Automate filter array remove empty item, Power Automate filter array multiple conditions, Power Automate filter array SharePoint list, Power Automate filter array Lookup column, Power Automate filter array Choice column, Power Automate SharePoint Get Items Filter Query, How to export SharePoint List items to excel using Power Automate and send email. Read How to create auto increment column in SharePoint List. Suppose we have a Sharepoint list with employee detail as shown in the below image and the requirement is to get all the employees whose age is greater than 42 and then we also need to send these employees names in an email. Let's first get all distinct emails and put them in an array. In this section, we will see how to get the objets of array or items of the Filter array action in Power Automate. Then if it wasn't null, I could assign the right value to the variable. @and(empty(item()? And in value add the Status value from dynamic content, an operator is equal to, and in value add Delivered. Ive been working with Microsoft technologies for almost 10 years, currently using mainly Power Automate, SharePoint, Teams, and the other M365 tools.I believe that everyone can automate part of their work with the Power Automate platform. Now we will initialize an array variable and assign the above sample array to it, so select initialize variable action, then provide the variable name, type as an array, and in value provide the sample value. ['dueDate'], addDays(utcNow(),1))). Pls guide. I send one email per week with a summary of the new solutions, designed to help even non IT people to automate some of their repetitive tasks. One option is to convert the whole object into an array as Dennis did, and filter it later. Similar to the above example, we have a Sharepoint list with employee details and we need to get the employee whose department is not equal to HR and we need to send the details of the filtered employees detail. In the Filter array actions From field, we will provide the array of the SharePoint list item that we got from the previous step and then expand the edit in advance mode. We will create a flow that will trigger manually. . Notice extra lines are removed from the table. That's why the if (equals ()) condition didn't produce the expected output when we trying to compare it with null value. This expression will get the first item in the array by using the zero index [0]. The first part is straightforward. This is an example of a Power Automate filter array @equal. The easiest way to create an array in Power Automate is working with an array variable . Please follow this link to know more about the OData filter query in Power Automate. Next, we will filter the above array to get the details of the person whose name is Alex. To fetch all the items from the Sharepoint list, we will be using the Get Items action. We are using thelength()function to get the count of the object in this array. And we can add "if" to the expression, so that the property is there we'll be doing something with it. Lets learn how can we use the starts with operator in the Filter array action to filter a SharePoint list using Power Automate. Hello and welcome!My name is Tom and I'm a business process automation consultant and Microsoft MVP living in the Czech Republic. After learning how to use the starts with operator in the Filter array action, we will now see how can we use the contains operator in the Filter array action using the Power Automate flow. By checking the flow run history you can see what data it contains. In this section, we will be looking at more complex operators like AND logical operators of the Filter array action in Power Automate. We can verify the result by looking at the output of the Filter array action and as shown in the above image, the count of filtered items is 2. You might require all members of staff to complete a form and as they do so, as well as capturing their results to an excel file or list, you also capture their email. Takes two arguments and returns true if the first argument is greater than the second argument. So for this example, we will use the below excel table. Let's Get Started! #PowerAutomate Returns a specific value if the expression results in true or false. So in your case, it is probable that when ls_name is null the not IsNull (ls_name) is evaluating to true, but ls_name <> "" is becoming null, thus true or null is becoming null and you always going to the else part. Then in value choose Department from dynamic content, the operator is equal to and in value IT. And once you know what to expect its easy to set up the if field is empty condition accordingly. As you can see, even thought therere multiple options, you dont have to try all of them. Now we will create an Html table, so click on the Next step and select Create Html table action. Create an array I started by creating an array. The proper empty value for the condition is to leave the field empty. When using arrays in Power Automate it can be critical to test if the array is empty. For example: Now we will filter to get the name whose department is Finance and age is 38. Power automate flow will automatically add the Apply to each action for the array of filtered items. Here we will provide our condition using @and logical operator. This post will show you how to do that. This is how we can join multiple conditions together using AND logical operator of the Filter array action in the Power Automate Flow. To reference or work with these values in expressions, you can use functions that the Workflow Definition Language provides. Power automate flow will automatically add the Apply to each action for the array of filtered items and then we will add Send an email to shoot an email with the employee name in the body. Here we will see how to use less than in filter array using Power Automate. When I started working on this it seems to be an easy job, but if you look into the connectors you'll find it really difficult as there is no straight forwards connector to do the job. You can then use the Send an email action to send reminder emails to those employees who haven't paid in full and the due date is less than one day away. Otherwise, the length will be greater than 0, and the If no branch will run. In this section, we will learn a very important concept of filtering data using the lookup column in the Filter array action of Power Automate Flow. Initialize variables for each field (no value). If you are using Microsoft Power Automate with Microsoft SharePoint Online list or library data and need to check if a field is empty or null, you can use the @empty function in an expression. Your email address will not be published. Next, to apply the required condition, we will add the Filter array action.